Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or Treat Smell My Fin!

We took our little Nemo out for lots and lots of trick or treating fun!

Rear View. The tail fin was so stinking cute! Everytime she walked it would wiggle like she was swimming along! It makes me kind of sad Halloween is over because she was absolutely the cutest thing ever in her costume. I haven't been able to bring myself to put it up quite yet.

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

More October Fun!

Halloween week Hartleigh's Day Care had dress up days. Sorry about the quality of these pictures but mornings are NUTS at our house! In fact I missed pajama day altogether, but trust me she was cute as pie in her El-fant pj's.

Western Day, She wore her Wranglers, her pink light up boots, a Carhartt t-shirt, and her Dad's cowboy hat. I was a nervous wreck about her wearing his hat to school but he insisted that she wear it. She usually won't wear hats but she loved having this one on.

Tuesday was camo day. She doesn't have any camoflauge so she had to borrow a shirt from Cousin Paxton. I was out of town on this day so Dad got to dress her all by hisself. She insisted on wearing her pink rubber boots which was a good thing since it ended up raining. Daddy even took the camara and got some shots of her playing at school. In this one she is doing her favorite thing ever! Swinging!

Thursday was Sports Day so she was a MSU cheerleader! She has learned Go Dawgs quite well!

Friday was Costume Day and they had the Boo Parade! She was Nemo because she briefly went through one of her obsessions with Fish. She would watch Nemo over and over and over again. Everytime she saw a fish she would point and repeat "Fish" like a broken record! I found Nemo (the costume) at Cooper's Closet for $8 and I figured it was meant to be! More Pics to come of the Parade!
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Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Hartleigh got to go on her first ever Field Trip this year. Her class went to the Pumpkin Patch in Caledonia. We had a blast! The kids were great. They all stayed together and were well behaved but my hat goes off to her teachers and anyone else in the child care profession. It is a lot of work. I was only with them for the morning and I was wore out. Hartleigh picked out her very own pumpkin and I must say that she made a good choice. This was probably her favorite part of the whole trip since she has been Obsessed with pumpkins since they started putting them out in stores. It seems that when she learns a new word she is going to be obsessed with that object. For instance, when she learned the word Fish she was obsessed with Fish, truck, trains, Horsey, etc, etc. I can't wait to see what she will be obsessed with next. LOL! Life with Hartleigh is so much fun!
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Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Instead of a sandbox they had a corn box! I'm sure the Day Care teachers found corn in lots of crevices after this trip!

I think if she was standing up straight she would measure 3 ft. tall. This means she has grown an entire foot since our trip to the pumpkin patch last year! Oh my!

This trailer was full of cotton and Hartleigh loved playing in it!

Hartleigh's class at Day Care. Impossible to catch 14 two year olds looking at the camara at the same time! LOL!
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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hartleigh's Waterpark

For Hartleigh's 2nd birthday party we celebrated by creating her own waterpark and having a blast! The theme was flip flops because Hartleigh hearts her some flip flops! So Aunt Dawn made her a flip flop cake and we had flip flops everywhere. There was water toys galore and the kids seemed to have a blast! We had hamburgers, hot dogs, cake and ice cream and it was over in time for all the kiddos to go home and catch a nap. And I'm sure they needed one afterwards because they all played their little hearts out! Poor Hartleigh was suffering from another ear ache so she wasn't in the best of spirits but she enjoyed all of the attention she got anyways. Thank you everyone who came out! I hope that we can do it again next year! I posted lots of pics because I just couldn't help myself! It was so much fun reliving the moment!
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Hartleigh's Waterpark


Sara Beth


Climbing up the big slide!
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Hartleigh's Waterpark

Anna Jade

Hartleigh Jo would not leave the poor caterpillar alone!

Day Ivey, isn't she adorable!

Sara Beth caught air!
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Hartleigh's Waterpark

Lynnon and Levin


Anna Jade

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Hartleigh's Waterpark!

Howie Judson created quite a splash!

Kendryn caught some air with this slide!

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Hartleigh's Waterpark (2nd Birthday Party)

Paxton having a blast in the spray pool.

Logan isn't scared of a thing. She slid down that big ole' slide like the big kids.

Logan and Paxton.
Ashleigh and her little bro. Paxton.
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Birthday Card Photo Shoot

Is she rolling her eyes at me??
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