Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hartleigh's First Birthday Party

Finally, she got the idea! What a face!
Anyone want a kiss?

Cleaning up the mess! Yuck!
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Hartleigh's First Birthday Party

Hartleigh's loot! She racked up! She got lots of toys, books, and fall clothes! She has enjoyed all of her happies! Thanks everyone!
She wasn't sure what to do with her Smash Cake so her Grandaddy Ferrell was explaining the situation to her!

She's like "You want me to do what with that thing?"

Daddy snagged some of her cake!
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Her flowers!

The cake table! We decorated with sunflowers, reds, yellows, and greens! Hartleigh was even decorated. She wore her ladybug outfit that her Great Grandmother made her! I wore a yellow dress so I guess I was the huge sunflower that my ladybug was perched on!

The spread! We had hamburgers and hotdogs at this "Buggy Bar-B-Q!
The Birthday Girl's chair! Her Momma used to rock in this chair!
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Hartleigh's First Birthday Party!

Her Birthday cake!
Her Smash Cake!
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Sunday, August 2, 2009

This was the longest she left her antennas on for. Of course, it was only because she was preoccupied with the pear and she still wasn't looking at the camara.

I can't remember what she was so excited about but she is so cute when she claps her hands over her mouth and is like "Oh Wow!"
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Birthday Card Photo Shoot

When trying to choose a theme for Hartleigh's first birthday party I was at a loss. I mean she couldn't tell me what she wants her party to be and she's not really into anything. But then I saw the ladybugs and I knew that was it because I have called her Hartleigh bug from day one. So that was the theme. I wanted her to have a ladybug outfit to wear to her party and to take pictures in so I found her a red outfit and my Grandmother added the black dots. I made her some antennas but she didn't care for them at all. She would jerk them off as soon as I put them on. It took a couple of shoots before I got one that I wanted to put on the invitations. But there were a lot of cute ones. I thought I would share them with yall! Enjoy!

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hartleigh and Pop

It is so much fun to watch these two. Pop, Hartleigh's great grandfather, is one of those men that grew up in the way that men are supposed to be rough, mean, and have no affections. So he has always put up this front of being a harda**. But anyone who knows him knows that he has the heart of a teddy bear. Not many people can bring that out in him but Hartleigh sure can. Whenever he and Granny are coming from Columbus from a doctors appointment he just has to stop by and see her. Poor Pops who is very ill and has very little energy is always able to muster up the strength to come visit her and give her some love. And Hartleigh who is always a bundle of energy seems to know that he can't handle much so she seems to tone it down just for him. She sits in his lap so sweetly.
There for awhile we didn't think that he would live long enough to see her born but God saw fit for him to be here to see her. I hope that he sees fit for him to stay around a little longer to watch her grow up and for her to get to know him like I did! We love you Pop!
This is my favorite picture of the two of them! So Sweet!!!
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Cecil's First Father's Day

This was Cecil's first Father's Day and since he is such a wonderful father and husband I wanted it to be special. So I cooked him breakfast and tried to make him take it easy for the day. But most of all getting to spend the day with Hartleigh made it extra special for him I think. He just loves that girl with all of his heart and she loves him with all of his. A girl couldn't ask for a better father and I hope she knows how lucky she is to have a father that loves and cares for her as much as he does. In fact, I make it my mission to make sure she knows and appreciates him, because so many children are not as lucky and as blessed as she is! We love you Daddy! Thank you for being such a kind and wonderful man!

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Cecil's First Father's Day!

Hartleigh was showing Daddy how she "loves" her puppy dog.

Daddy showing Hartleigh how he "loves" her.
Aww! She loves her Daddy so much!
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Daddy and Jonas were outside working on the house so Hartleigh had to supervise and make sure that they were doing everything to suit her. No really she was chasing bugs, trying to eat leaves, and just being so dang cute!

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There is not really a story to tell here except that one afternoon Mom was trying to rock Hartleigh for her afternoon nap but Hartleigh kept wallowing all over and tossing and turning until she finally ended up in this position in which she fell fast asleep. But I wanted to post these pictures anyway because she's so dang cute in them and she looks so BIG!
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